Friday Youth Night: Praise Party!
This Friday, let's play some games, sing worship, hear what the Bible says, and end our night with some pizza!
The theme of our night is "Jesus Is Lord". You don't want to miss this Praise & Pizza Party because we are revealing the RY Merch! And who knows...maybe there will be a giveaway!
Drop-off: 7 PM @ Rosewood
Pick-up: 9:30 PM @ Rosewood
In-Person Sunday School
Join us for our in-person Sunday School classes, every Sunday morning from 10 AM - 10:45 AM in the Youth Room at Rosewood Church. See you there!
Save the Dates!
March 14-15 Youth Lock-In - Are you ready to LOCK-IN? We are wrapping-up our March Break with an overnight LOCK-IN at the church! Here's what to expect: sleeping at the church, hanging out all night, games, challenges, prizes, pancakes, McDonalds and fun!
Click HERE for more details and to register. Registration closes on Sunday, March 9th, but spots are limited so do not wait!
Youth and Young Adult Spring Retreat is happening at Camp Medeba from Friday, May 16-Monday, May 19! I know many of you have been waiting for this event because last year we had such a great time zip-lining, playing games, hanging out, and worshipping the Lord.
Pastor Angela & Pastor Lucas will be the speakers for this event! The early-bird cost is $285 for all 4 days, and this price goes up on March 31st so don't delay! Click HERE to register.
June 25-29 Remix: A Toronto Mission Experience - This is a life-changing week. Dive into the world of Kingdom work and serving our neighbours, right here in Toronto. Click HERE for more details.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email our Youth Pastor - Angela at

