"Let our refugees stay among you. Hide them from our enemies until the terror is past.” Isaiah 16:4a (NLT)
We as a congregation have the opportunity to sponsor the Onofriichuk family from war-torn Ukraine (Dad, Mom, and three children).
Our goal is to pledge $5,000 per month to support the family's living expenses including, getting them to Toronto, housing, transportation, food, medical, education and other necessities. Please prayerfully consider what you can pledge in support of the Ukrainian refugee family and fill in a "Sponsorship Fund" pledge card and drop it into the green Journey to Victory boxes located throughout the church. Thank you.
If you would like to give a donation online to Rosewood Church's Sponsorship Fund, please visit https://www.rosewoodchurch.ca/donate for more information.
Permanent accommodations have been found for the Onofriichuk family. Thank you to those who have offered up their space.