Some Important Church Board Decisions Made at the September 20, 2022 Board Meeting
As of September 20, we ask that attendees leave 1 seat between themselves and non-household members.
Wearing of Masks Will Continue to Be Mandatory For Everyone For All Church Services
At the July 19 meeting, sixteen board members discussed whether we should consider having a seating section in the church for those who do not wish to wear a mask during our church services. After considering all the scientific, medical and health department information on the current state of Covid in Toronto, Ontario, and Canada, our church board made a unanimous decision to continue to make the wearing of masks mandatory in all Sunday church services, weddings, funerals and any other special services, seminars, or events in our building. Our board felt that Covid continues to be too much of a threat, and it would not be wise to have a seating section in the church for those who might not wish to wear a mask. A person can only be exempted from wearing a mask if he/she has a doctor’s letter or if a child 2 years old or younger. Our church board also wants to remind everyone to leave two seats empty in the sanctuary between yourself and anyone who does not live in the same home as you do. Every second row in the sanctuary will continue to be blocked off with a ribbon so as to provide 6 feet separation between yourself and people in front of you or behind you. Let us also remember to try and keep 6 feet separation from each other in the church foyer and to sanitize our hands. The above policy and procedures are simply to try to protect you and others from Covid.
What Will Happen If Someone Insists On Not Wearing A Mask At A Church Service, A Wedding Or A Funeral Service In Our Church Building?
To begin with, there are ten posters at the main entrance of the church stating that masks are required. A person will be lovingly reminded that the wearing of a mask is mandatory for everyone and will be given a free mask. If a person refuses to wear the mask, he/she will be asked to leave the church building.
From March 2022:
Our Provincial government is ending mask mandates effective March 21. Our pastors and Church Board reviewed this information at the Tuesday, March 15 board meeting and the following decision was made:

At Rosewood Church services and functions the following procedures will still need to be followed after March 21 for your protection and the protection of others from Covid-19 -
1. The wearing of masks will remain mandatory for everyone. Please remember to have your mask cover your nose, mouth and chin.
2. Please wash your hands with the hand sanitizer upon arrival at the church entrance.
3. Keep six feet (two metres) away from others unless you live in the same home. This includes leaving two seats empty between you and others. Every second row will continue to be roped off to provide about six feet of separation between you and others in front of and behind you.
4. Continue to check in at the tables in the foyer upon your arrival Sunday mornings.
Why are we continuing with the above safety measures?
a) Covid-19 is still a threat. Many of the health and science experts are warning against removing the safety protocols too soon. In some world areas, Covid-19 has once again become a serious problem.
b) Many of our Rosewood Church people are still very afraid of getting Covid-19. At this stage, if we said people don't have to wear masks, we run the risk of people who have been coming to the sanctuary on Sunday mornings deciding not to show up if some people come not wearing masks.
c) If there is another wave of Covid-19, our people will still be accustomed to wearing masks in church and it won't seem to be so difficult to get people to wear masks once again.
Our Church Board will review the Covid-19 situation at each monthly board meeting held on the third Tuesday of each month. Once the scientific evidence shows there is less of a chance of people becoming infected with Covid-19 we can then put aside mask wearing and other precautions.
Here is some good news: After March 21 feel free to sing in our church services with the mask on. Thank you very much.