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After 15 Years, I Say Farewell

Raven Mason

My family and I began attending Rosewood Church of the Nazarene in 1997 at the 241 Alexmuir Boulevard location near Brimley and Finch.

I was 4 years old and attending Kindergarten class and children's church. I never imagined that just 10 years later, in 2007, I would be joining "Team Sound" on Sunday mornings by operating the computer each week for church services, then later weddings and funerals.

I shared some reflections and thoughts on my last Sunday on Team Sound before I go on maternity leave. If you know me, I'm very comfortable at the back of the sanctuary behind the computer or sound board in control of the media and sound. Being up on stage is not my preference, but on this occasion of my last Sunday operating the computer, just over 15 years to the day of my first Sunday in this role, I wanted to share what was on my heart with our church family. If you missed it, please feel free to watch the video of my thoughts.

I'll still be working in the office until Friday, October 14, after which Olivia Williams will be our Church's Office Administrator while I am on maternity leave.

Let me quickly tell you how I even got to join this important team.
It was the summer of 2007, I was 14 years old. I had just graduated from the 8th grade. My grandmother, Sheila Edward, who lived with my family at the time, had an afternoon pastoral visit from Pastor Lisa Outar. I was hiding up in my room during the visit, as any normal teenager would, and only came down at the insistence of grandma hollering at me to come down and say hi.
Granny started “bragging on me” to Lisa that I had made the slideshow presentation for my grade 8 graduation ceremony and that I was so good at computers.
Lisa then asked me if I would like to join the PowerPoint team at church to operate the computer on Sundays. I said sure and began training at the 6:30 PM services.
From then, I became the main PowerPoint operator, freeing up Lisa to teach Sunday School and carry out other duties.
In that time, I spent many, many weeks in “the booth” sitting side by side with Patrick Alfred who was then our chief sound operator and while I was controlling the slides on the computer, I was able to learn a lot about operating the sound system just by observing and asking him questions during services. I must especially thank Uncle Patrick for taking me under his wing and teaching me everything that there was to learn about being on “Team Sound” at Rosewood Church for those many years.
I’d also like to thank Pastor Lisa for getting me involved initially, training, and supporting me as I learned about using the computer, and for keeping me involved in the church.
I’d also like to thank my sister, Ketura Mason, who was able and willing to fill in for me whenever I couldn’t be here over the years and learned so quickly from me and served as well.
And to my grandma for “bragging on me” and getting me involved in the first place.
Now, after 15 years, I leave not a “team sound” but an entire “tech team” with several young people who know the ins and outs of our upgraded system which has become far more complex than it was back in 2007. I’m so proud of the ways that every one of these young people have gotten involved over the past 2.5+ years, especially our technical director, and today’s worship leader Christopher Persaud. He’s become as a little brother to me since March 2020 and I know that I leave the technical team in his and everyone’s very capable hands.
I now urge you Church Family with the following:
Keep bringing them to church when they’re teenagers.
Get them involved in Caravan, Children’s Church, Summer Camp, Youth Group, and Youth Bible Study.
Invest in their gifts, talents, interests and find ways that they can use and develop those gifts and talents in the church.
Help them to be responsible - there were many times I wanted to sleep in late and my Mom would NOT let me.
Hold them accountable (There were even times my Mom would start driving away if I was taking too long to get ready and I’d have to chase after the car and catch up at the stop sign at the end of our street to make sure I got to church in time to carry out my ministry).
Don’t make excuses for your kids; we all had homework, we’re tired, we have friends we want to spend time with (but fulfilling our commitments even when voluntary is a priority).
Make Church on Sundays non-negotiable. It’s the most basic, easiest commandment to follow. Even if the weather is bad and you can’t drive, or you wake up late, turn on your computer or TV and sit around it and worship.
Pour into the young people who are already here in our church. Introduce yourself. Get to know their names and their families. Encourage them, pray for them, and show your appreciation to them when you see them serving in their ministry.
I thank you for your support, love, encouragement and care over these 15 years.




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Scarborough, ON M1B 2K4

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